This issue opens where the last ended, with Morgan and his son laid out unconscious from Luffy and Zoro's attacks. The marines cheer and then Zoro faints from hunger. After regaining consciousness and eating they have some laughs before deciding to part ways so Coby can be a marine. A group of marines come in and order Luffy to leave for being a pirate. Luffy and Zoro begin to leave and Coby is questioned about being in their group. Luffy picked that moment to tell all about Coby's time with Lady Alvida. Coby punches Luffy and they break out in a fist fight. the marine takes this as proof that Coby and Luffy aren't friends and allows Coby to join the Marines. Coby has a revelation that Luffy had told them about his past to start a fight and clear up Coby's name. As Luffy and Zoro leave they are saluted by the marines who receive no food for a week for saluting pirates. This issue was a little slow but it did well to show off Luffy's wisdom and the marines being punished for following orders was hilarious the issue is the official end to this arc and issue 8 begins the Buggy the Clown arc.
I will be on vacation for the next week so I may miss some posts. I'm going to take my boat out to the lake and live like a real pirate for a week so wish me luck. I will try to get through the Buggy the Clown arc this week but no promises.
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